
The issue of Domestic Abuse in Australia – the critical importance of a long term approach!

December 5, 2015 Caryn Walsh

Domestic Abuse in Australia – the critical importance of a long term approach!

The critical importance of a long term approach in regards to domestic abuse in Australia, is both appropriate and high time. The Government need to spend money and dedicate resources to deal with the devastating issue of family and domestic abuse. The recently announced $60 million funding is a significant investment in working towards resolving the problem.

However, there are concerns that the new found focus on this horrendous issue could merely be the ‘flavor of the month’. And that over time, the critical importance of addressing domestic abuse in our country will diminish over. Domestic violence in Australia is not new. Historically it has, and continues, to ruin families and end lives. 

Whilst it is timely that the focus is on this issue. It is also short-sighted and unrealistically hopeful to believe that merely throwing money and resources at it, short-term, will ‘fix it.’

Domestic violence permeates all levels of societies and cultures, regardless of color or race. However, dealing with domestic violence demands an ongoing long-term and strategic collaboration. Educational institutions, communities, families, government agencies and community providers need to included. With a key focus on changing behaviors and deeply entrenched beliefs about power and control.

Without this ‘in it for the long haul’ approach, we don’t stand a chance in making an impact.

Newsflash: Caryn Walsh will be talking about ‘Empowered People, Empowered Lives’ at the annual Stop Domestic Violence Conference in Canberra on December 7.

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