
How much is bad communication at work costing you?

July 5, 2016 Caryn Walsh

How much is bad communication at work costing you?

Do the people in your organization have bad communication? Lots of misunderstanding of others, no listening, lots of personal agendas and people talking about each other negatively?  Seems like you are among the thousands of Organisations suffering from ongoing relationship difficulties. Consequently, over time, talented human capital walks out the door.

Unhappy people make unhappy workplaces which in turn, affect the bottom line.

Conflict at work increases when issues are not addressed. As a result, frustration grows over time, people start to pull away from each other (not uniting to solve problems they face) and slowly, productivity is affected negatively.

Worse still is when organisational leaders talk about others and refuse to listen to those around them.  When this happens, a culture of fear and blame is often created, permeating throughout the entire organisation.

Research indicates:

  • 60% – 80% of all Organisational workplace difficulties stem from strained relationships between employees, not because the individual does not have the necessary skills or competencies.
  • The typical workplace manager spends 25% – 40% of their time dealing with workplace conflict. That amounts to 2 days each week. (Washington Business Journal, 2005)
  • This translates to approximately 96 days per annum of the managers’ time spent focusing on dealing with workplace conflict. How much money does that equate to?

According to conflictinworkplace.com:

When organisations make it a priority to train employees in communication and listening skills, building trust, teambuilding, and conflict resolution skills, less unresolved conflicts will occur.

When managers hear their employees concerns, job satisfaction and productivity increases. As a result, the bottom line reflects this.


  1. If you are a leader, be the role model who leads their people to greatness. Learn how to communicate well and connect with your people!
  2. Create a culture of harmony and accepting diversity by ensuring you and all your people accept differences. Set up regular Organisation-wide training in communication skills and conflict resolution
  3. Don’t tolerate bullying and harassment. Deal with issues as they arise as they won’t disappear
  4. Get teams to create positive Codes of Conduct for their own team according to which all members abide
  5. Move towards creating self-managed teams, that rely on their internal sense of positive governance and not others from outside their circle
  6. In conclusion, at all times, demand and expect the very best from your people, time and time again


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